Sports Round up Autumn Term 2 2016
This has been another action packed half term at the Dukes. We have had a boys’ team in the inter schools football league which takes place on Fridays after school on the astro turf at Glossopdale. The boys have played well and have represented their school beautifully. The final league positions are yet to be published.
We also entered a team in the inter schools swimming gala at Glossop pool and we came 4th out of 7 but it was a close contest! Again the children enjoyed taking part and really cheered each other on!
We sent a class to a Key Stage 2 dance morning at Glossopdale and they thoroughly enjoyed it and joined in with great enthusiasm.
Our Year 1/2 class have been continuing with their gymnastics/multi – sports sessions at the leisure centre on a Friday morning and have lots of fun doing so!
Year 5/6 have now completed their swimming sessions at the pool and have made great progress. The Year 5 children will be attending these sessions after Christmas.
Our after schools have been well attended and these include PAS football/skills club, gymnastics club, multi skills club and rugby club.
We look forward to another active term after Christmas and hope that the children continue to be healthy and active and have fun!
Many thanks, Mrs Rothwell