Drop Off/Pick Up
We encourage our families to walk to school, as this is better for health and the environment. If you do need to drive in, please consider parking further away as the roads around school are busy. Please ensure you park sensibly and safely, with consideration for our neighbours, when dropping off and collecting from school.
Registration is at 9.00 am (8.55am for EYFS). Children line up with their class at 8.50am (although if it is raining we will open the doors at 8.50 and children may come straight in).
School finishes at 3.30pm (3.25 for EYFS). Children are dismissed from their classroom doors. We recognise that older children begin to walk themselves home, but if they are younger that Year 6, we ask parents/carers to let us know.
If there is a change to pick up (i.e. a different adult who is not their regular pick up), please either let the class teacher know, email the school at absence@dukenorfolk.derbyshre.sch.uk or phone the school office. Please do no leave messages about pick up with Early Birds (please email or phone the school office).