What We Have Been Up To
Y1 & Y2
The year one and two children have been working on the 'Zoo Time' topic
Reggae is the genre of music explored in this unit. The children have been finding the pulse through movement and song, learning to recognise and name instruments that they can hear and have been clapping rhythms and learning to find pitch. They have explored finding the note c on tuned instruments and enjoyed learning the Zoo time song as a class.
Zoo Time Reggae
The children in years three and four have been enjoying their music lessons with the Wider Opportunities team with all children learning to play a tuned instrument.
This year the children are learning the ukulele and have been strumming away beautifully.
Learning how to hold, keep to time and perform different songs using a range of notes. They are deepening their knowledge of rhythm and pulse as well as musical notation.
In the Spring term, the lower key stage two children have been showing their newly acquired instrument skills in a range of class concerts. The children performed a selection of songs to their proud guests. Well done year three and four!
Click the link below to visit the year three & four page to see pictures and videos.
In Y5/6
This term, we have been working on a unit with the theme: Being happy!
The unit is focused around the pop song ' Happy' By Pharell.
Children began by appraising the song. Exploring musical techniques such as
melody, pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure. Looking for style indicators of this genre of music.
We them moved onto listening and singing the piece. By lesson two ,we were playing along with the glockenspiels eventually harmonising, improvising and performing our version.
In addition, we have been listening to the additional four songs/pieces to support and enrich the children’s understanding of its theme, while deepening their musical knowledge and experience.
How it started,
Glossop Music Festival Concert
On the 4th and 5th May, year 3 & 4 attended a Glossop Music Festival event. We attended a concert listening to More Musical Beast stories - The Ugly Duckling and Donkey Tales. It was an opportunity for us not only to listen to some fantastic musicians but join in with dances and meet the musicians and explore their instruments.
Young Voices
In February, the school choir represented our school beautifully singing their hearts out at the Young Voices concert in Manchester Arena. Children taking part in YV have the opportunity to perform in some of the world’s greatest arenas alongside incredible artists.
Playing instruments
At Duke of Norfolk, the year 3& 4 children are taught a musical instrument by a specialist teacher from the Wider Opportunities scheme. This year, year 3 & 4 have been learning to play either the trumpet or trombone.
The children have been working very hard in these music lessons and enjoyed showing their skills during a recent concert for the parents.