British Values Statement
British Values Statement
At The Duke of Norfolk School we are preparing children for life in modern Britain. To this end we ensure our children learn and understand fundamental British values. We deliver these through many curriculum areas but particularly through RE, PSHE, collective worship and themed days and weeks. Our school ethos, and the work we do, reflects our commitment to these values.
British values include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. By teaching our children to understand and practise these values, we believe they will develop into questioning, well-rounded individuals who will not be vulnerable to being influenced by others for their own ends.
Here are some examples of how we embed these values in school:
The children vote to elect class representatives to be members of the School Parliament and the Eco Committee. Children regularly share their opinions about how the school is run and help inform decisions that affect them.
The Rule of Law The children agree to abide by the School Code of Conduct. Visits from institutions, including the police and fire service, enhance the children’s understanding of the need for rules and the consequences of breaking them. Children learn about justice and fairness and consider how laws and rules contribute to the effective running of school, as well as society.
Individual Liberty
Learning behaviours are attitudes and approaches that we develop with the children. These include respect and responsibility. We offer the children many chances to make informed choices that require them to take responsibility for their own safety. They are educated about e-safety and how to respond if something does go wrong.
Celebratory assemblies are not only used to celebrate academic success, but also promote appreciation of a wide range of children’s interests and achievements, in and out of school.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
We promote an awareness of ‘community’ – both local and global – and help children to see how they can contribute to helping improve the lives of others. We do this by raising money for a wide range of causes, including local, national and international charities, and this is an established part of the school calendar.
We strive to expose the children to rich and varied experiences that reflect the diverse country we live in. For example, children across the entire school were involved in a themed week on Judaism. The children had an opportunity to learn about Jewish culture, history, traditions and beliefs, and the week also included a visit to a synagogue and a school visit from a rabbi. This was just one of many ways we develop the children’s understanding of multi-cultural and multi-faith Britain.
We promote tolerance and acceptance of all groups by highlighting our similarities whilst celebrating our rich diversity. We promote equality and fairness for all and oppose discrimination of any group based on their beliefs/race/gender/sexuality/disability. Any opinions contrary to fundamental British values are challenged.