What We Have Been Up To
EYFS 2a What is life like in Glossop now?
Sycamore class walked to the garden centre, looking at landmarks such as houses, shops and road crossings. They also explored our immediate school environment.
EYFS 3a Who are my family and what jobs do they do?
EYFS 5a who do I share the world with?
KS1 1b. How has Glossop changed throughout my life and my grandparents’ lives?
KS1 have been studying what it was like to be a child in Glossop in the past. They looked at household objects from the past and compared them to objects we have in our homes today. They worked as a group to order pictures of the artefacts they studied on a timeline.
KS1 compared houses in Glossop in the past to their houses today.
Lower KS2 2c. How did life in Derbyshire change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?
Year 3/4 asked questions about the Stone Age and ordered key events from the Stone Age on a timeline. They studied a range of secondary sources to find out how Stone Age tools and houses changed.
Upper KS2 1.d What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on our local area?
Year 5/6 used sources to discover why Glossop was an important mill town during the Industrial Revolution. They used secondary sources to research Stevenson's Rocket and used their research in their newspaper reports about how the Rocket impacted life in Glossop.