Mental Health Champions
Meet our Mental Health Champions
Our enthusiastic Mental Health Champions have been learning about the mental health issues and how they can affect individuals, their family and friends. They have been meeting regularly to talk about strategies to help themselves and others. We are proud of their initiative to create a '5 Ways to Wellbeing' display using contributions from children from all classes. Mrs Simm, our Mental Health Assistant Lead supports the Champions in delivering the message of positive mental health. Mrs Hadfield, the school SENCO is the Duke of Norfolk's Mental Health Lead.
Let’s talk about Anxiety
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or fear. We all feel anxious at times, but anxiety may be a mental health problem if your feelings are very strong or last a long time.
It’s normal to feel anxious sometimes. It’s how we respond to feeling threatened, under pressure or stressed: for example if we have an exam, job interview or doctor’s appointment.
Anxiety isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can spur us on, help us stay alert, make us aware of risks and motivate us to solve problems. However, anxiety can be a problem if it’s affecting your ability to live your life. If your anxiety is ongoing, intense, hard to control or out of proportion to your situation, it can be the sign of a mental health problem.
Help can be sought from your G.P or if you have concerns for your child’s wellbeing then please have a chat with your child’s class teacher or the school SENCO.
Symptoms can include:
-breathlessness -feeling dizzy
-heart palpitations -nausea
-difficulty sleeping -feeling dread
-restlessness -sweating
-difficulty concentrating