Homework, Spellings and Reading
Times Tables
Children will have times tables set every Friday on Emile. Please ensure that your child has completed their task on Emile before the following Friday. If you are struggling to access Emile, please be sure to speak to your child's class teacher.
This year, children will be using Spelling Shed for their spelling practice. More information regarding this will follow in the next week
Year 6 children will receive SATs workbooks, focusing on Maths and SPAG later in the year. The children will be told exactly which pages they need to complete each week.
Reading is the cornerstone of education and it is imperative that your child read each night. This could either be silently to themselves or to you or other family members; shared reading with another person where you each read a page, or listening to an adult read, so they are able to enjoy the story whilst listening to well modelled expression and rhythm. When listening to your child please be sure to ask them questions about what they have read. These could be retrieval questions where they are able to pick the answer straight out of the text e.g. 'What colour was her hat?', inference questions where they have to read between the lines e.g. 'How do we know he was upset?', Language questions such as, 'Can you think of an other word the author could have used instead of...?' and opinion questions, 'What do you think of...?
Each day, we take in the children's reading records to monitor the reading they are completeing at home. Therefore please be sure to sign the reading record each time your child reads, even if it is just to themselves. Children who are free readers will be able to change their books themselves from our class library, the school library and our KS2 communal book area (which includes dyslexia friendly books) whenever they finish their books. If we believe a book may not be the most suitable for your child, we shall be on hand to help them choose a more appropriate text. For children who are still on the reading scheme, their books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays.