Early Birds & Night Owls
Welcome to our wrapround club page
Early Birds & Night Owls staff are
- Janine Wright
- Simon Holmes
- Elizabeth Pickles
Early Birds activity club runs in the school hall, Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 8.45 am. Breakfast is provided along with various activities. There is a charge of £5.50 per session. Bookings must be made in advance.
Night Owls activity club runs in the school hall, Monday to Friday from 3.10pm to 5.45pm. A snack is provided along with various activities. There is a charge of £8.50 per session. Bookings must be made in advance.
Most of our families whose children attract Pupil Premium funding into school are charged a reduced rate of £1.50 per child, per session. If you are unsure whether this applies to you, please contact the school office.
Contact Information
If you need to contact the Early Birds/ Night Owls staff during their opening hours, the number to call is 07927 962577.
For all enquiries outside of club opening hours, please email at wraparound@dukenorfolk.derbyshire.sch.uk . Club staff will respond as soon possible.