Homework, Phonics and Reading
Reading in EYFS
Reading is taught in a wide variety of ways in EYFS. Initially, phonics is a very important part of the process, where we teach the children how to read (and write) the basic letter sounds which enable word building. Phonics is taught daily. We follow the Read Write Inc scheme for phonics.
In nursery, we focus primarily on speaking and listening skills that are a precursor to reading, listening for and distinguishing between sounds, exploring rhyme, hearing initial sounds in words. In the summer term of nursery, the children will be introduced to the Read Write Inc pictures that support the learning of sounds, and then the initial sounds before the summer term. Please ensure you use ‘pure sounds’ with your child at home to help them as they begin to blend (see phonics section below.)
During the first term in Reception, children will be learning / consolidating their recognition of sounds, and how to blend them together to read simple words. Their reading ‘homework’ at these times will be to practise the sounds they have been learning in school through videos home and their 'sound book' or flash cards. They may also bring home some ‘tricky words’ to learn (words that can’t be blended using phonics e.g. ‘the’).
Once your child has learnt to recognise the first set of sounds and blend them together to read simple words (usually after Christmas of their Reception year), they will bring home an individual reading book, which is usually changed weekly on Mondays. These books are closely linked to our phonics learning, and your child should be able to read most of the book on their own, using the phonics that they have learnt. They will read individually with an adult in school each week, and should re-read the same book each day at home to build confidence, fluency and a 'reader's voice' (adding intonation whilst reading.).
Most weeks, our learning is based around a good quality text. The children are taught to understand texts more deeply and explore vocabulary, through carefully prepared questions which are used during literacy sessions.
Reading is interspersed into all our teaching and is encouraged across our whole learning environment, indoor and out.
Your child will bring home a book from our classroom each week. Please share this together, to help develop vocabulary, plot and character understanding and more importantly, to continue grow a love for books and stories. We are also lucky to have a weekly time to visit our beautiful Dukes library, to choose and check out our own book, and learn to further respect and enjoy the wonders of books!