School Mission
The Duke of Norfolk Church of England Primary School
Mission Statement
“Let the trees of the forest sing; let them sing for joy before the Lord”
Chronicles 16:33
Our mission statement 'Let the trees of the forest sing; let them sing for joy before the Lord', our school motto, 'from tiny acorns, great forests grow', and our core purpose (the Dukes' tree), have strong Christian values and a clear educational purpose underpinning them, which are understood by all.
Our Mission Statement encompasses what we are aiming for: that through the educational opportunities we offer at Dukes', all of our stakeholders, but particularly our children, are given a voice, which they use both now and in the future. They will use their voice to thrive in life, make a positive difference, and ‘sing before the Lord.’
Our motto enables us to focus both on the the school as a whole, and in particular, each individual child. Every individual has many strengths and talents which contribute to our great, interdependent and diverse forest (which represents the school, our community, our country, and our world) if they are given the right conditions.
We create the conditions to grow through living out our values: Respect, Resilience, Equity, Ambition, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Honesty (RREACH). These are discussed and reviewed annually so that everyone, including staff, pupils, governors, and parents have a clear understanding of what is at the centre of our work.
When writing our curriculum, policies, and procedures, we focus on our Christian Mission, Core Purpose, and values, whilst asking the questions 'what are we doing?', 'why are we doing it?', and 'how does this work reflect us as a school?'.
Our Mission Statement and Christian Values are the cement that hold our school together.